In this episode of Podiatry Marketing, Tyson and Jim discuss what a marketing audit is and why it's important for clinics to make a great impression online with potential patients.
Every clinic is somewhere on the Marketing Spectrum and understands exactly how it's impacting its bottom line. Where are you and your practice?
Why do patients care about a clinic's website and marketing? It's because these channels provide:
What a review of a clinic's online presence can provide for podiatrists:
1. Understanding of goals/objectives -> your website and online materials help focus your efforts
2. Understanding of previous marketing efforts/relationships/problems
3. Assessment of what's working and not working with the current online presence -> website, ads, socials
4. Local competitor analysis
5. Identify biggest opportunities -> implement solutions that provide the best bang for the buck
To learn more about how to grow your practice, check out more episodes of Podiatry Marketing at